Power of Community Summit

Feb 1-10, 2019

Hosting and Posting Power of Community Summit Hubs

The Power Of Community Online Summit will take place February 1-10, 2019 and will feature three conversations each day, shared live and discussed worldwide on multiple platforms.

We invite you to add another layer of richness to the Summit experience by creating a local hub to share the Summit in person with others in your physical location. Once you have registered your hub, you will receive all the information provided to all participants as well as a Summit schedule and daily facilitation guide to help your organize your Hub events.

To have the location of your hub registered on our live events map, please follow the process below:

Want to set up your hub on the map? Follow these two steps:

Step 1: Create or update your user profile with GEN

  1. Create a user profile on the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) site. Please note that you only have to fill out the required fields which are marked with a “*”
  2. If you already have a user profile, please login to your account and once logged in, go to your Account (top right hand corner of the first page on the GEN site). Then select Edit Profile (left side menu) and go to the bottom of the page and check the box I am hosting a Power of Community Summit Hub.
  3. By completing this first step, you will begin to receive information, facilitation guides, etc. specifically for hubs.  You can choose to keep your hub private and stop at this step.

Step 2: Register your hub on the events map

  1. Now that you have a user profile, you can create your hub event.
    1. Go to the My Content section of your account.
    2. Click Add Summit Hub Event (right side) to add the information about your hub.
  2. If you are hosting a hub at your community or ecovillage which is already registered on the GEN map, please make sure under Event Location, you select the option: At an ecovillage or project in GEN’s database
  3. Otherwise, choose At another location and you will be asked to input an address and drop a pin on a map showing where your hub is. If you’d prefer people contact you before arriving, you can enter an address and mark the map in a location near you, like a local town square or crossroads, and include a note asking people who are interested in your hub to contact you for more specific directions.
  4. Make sure to include contact information for your hub so that people can reach you using your preferred contact method.
  5. You can now see your event on the map of summit hub event locations. (NOTE: Before your event is public to all users of our site, it will go through a verification process which we try to keep as short as possible but is required to prevent spam attacks)

Would you like to view the speaker schedule?  Register and create your hub!  All hubs will receive the speaker schedule to help them promote their viewing events.

Charles EisensteinChristian FelberChristiana FigueresDaniel Christian WahlDr. Stephanie MinesEdgard Gouveia, Jr.Ethan Roland SolovievFrédéric LalouxFritjof CapraHelena Norberg-Hodge
Joanna MacyJohn D. LiuKosha JoubertLinda KabairaMakuini Ruth TaiMay EastMugove NyikaNeema NamadamuOusmane Pame PhDPat McCabe
Polly HigginsRev. Fletcher HarperRichard OlivierRob HopkinsSabine LichtenfelsScilla Elworthy PhDThomas HüblTiejun WenVisolela NamisesWilliam Ury

Coordination of your hub

We realise that the summit is drawing close and there is much to do to organise and coordinate your hubs. Here are some key points to note about the summit when organising your hubs.

  • There will be 30 speakers who have recorded conversations which will go live, 3 per day, over the course of 10 days February 1-10.
  • We will release 3 interviews each day for the 10 days of the Summit, with an average duration of 1 hour each.  We will post the videos first thing in the morning in Central European Time, and they will be available for full day’s viewing, also in your time zone. So you will be able to organise viewings at convenient times  in your local context.
  • You are welcome to invite your community, neighbours, friends, colleagues for your Local Hub for this Global Event.
  • Promotion of your Local Hub can happen through various channels such as your facebook page; emails to your contacts; creating and sharing flyers or posters in your local neighbourhood or community; directly inviting people to your hub event; and many more. It is up to you how you promote your event in your local context.
  • Your Local Hub can take many forms – watching together with friends or community; arranging dinner parties and sharing circles with neighbours;  public events in the local community hall; and other forms you might wish to create. You could choose to run one or two weekend events, from 1-3 February and/or 8-10 February. Or you could come together in your community to watch an interview every evening. You can shape your Hub into the form that suits you.
  • We realise the importance of having a schedule so you can coordinate the promotion of your screenings.  Register to the event, create your Hub and then all Hubs will receive a speaker schedule.
  • Once your hubs are registered as an event on the GEN website, your hub will appear on the Community Hubs Map. This will be visible to the public, so you may receive enquiries from people in your local area who want to come to your screenings.
  • If you will be hosting a hub at an existing community, project/initiative or ecovillage which is not yet on the GEN Ecovillage Map, you are warmly welcome to add your project permanently as a project in our database once you’ve created a profile and ideally before creating the event (because you will then be able to associate the event directly with the permanent location of your project)
  • All the interviews will be in English. We don’t have the capacity to translate the interviews for this summit. If you need to translate the interviews to your local language, you may need to pause briefly during the screening to translate to your audience.

As GEN, we understand the power of community and see that each such meeting or event can become the seed for a transformational local action plan, a bold new project or the incubation of the next level of community solidarity.

We will support you by sending out daily topics for conversation and facilitation guidelines when the summit begins on 1 February.

You can also join the Facebook group where there will be space for discussion and sharing.

If you have any questions, please write to us at [email protected].